We never knew Prashant would do the vanishing act and come back to office a married man.
His wedding to Bhagyalakshmi in Bhubaneswar last month was an event few in New Delhi were aware of.
The Banking Correspondent had no explanation to offer except the very lame one that he didn't have
enough time to inform his colleagues.
But we decided to give Prashant the benefit of doubt and listened attentively to his sob story.
According to the Orissa dude, it was so hot in the state capital that he got boils on the inside of his lips, which he says accounts for his silence on D-day. We, however, suspect Prashant was struck dumb by his bride's beauty.
His ordeal was made tougher still because of a community tradition that the bride and groom should not eat anything on the wedding day. Which meant Prashant, and of course Bhagyalakshmi, had to
survive on water.
The marriage itself was pretty low-profile. Prashant says it would have been attended by more of our office chaps in Bhubaneswar had not the Budhia controversy chosen to rear its ugly head just as Prashant was getting hitched.
And what does Bhagyalakshmi do? Prashant is loath to give any details but he did let loose this info - She is doing her Masters in Sociology.
Well, although we haven't actually forgiven Prashant for not telling us in advance, we wish the newly-wed couple the very best for their life ahead.